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La chanson The Best Part

Les informations

Producteur : Gabriel Mann
Compositeurs et paroliers : Gabriel Mann et Keeley Bumford
Interprète : Lizzy Greene

Episode concerné : 4.08

Les paroles

Did I let me down?
Let you get away
From what I had to say
Played me like the pieces
Running everything
A puppet on a string

I let you in
Dancing with a monster
You love to make a mess
Take till there's nothing left

I am the best part
The blue in the fire
The brilliant sunrise
That burns up a liar
And everything after
Is feeding the flames
You're the disaster
And I am the best part

You don't have a place
Anywhere on the page
Not even a footnote in my story
I'm washing you away
With the tide awake

I let you in
Dancing with a monster
You love to make a mess
Take till there's nothing left

I am the best part
The blue in the fire
The brilliant sunrise
That burns up a liar
And everything after
Is feeding the flames
You're the disaster
And I am the best part

Take and take and take and take from me
Keep haunting the space between
Take and take and take
You take from me all
But you forgot the best of me the best of me

I am the best part
The blue in the fire
The brilliant sunrise
That burns up a liar
And everything after
Is feeding the flames
You're the disaster
And I am the best part

I am the best part
The blue in the fire
The brilliant sunrise
That burns up a liar
And everything after
Is feeding the flames
You're the disaster
And I am the best part

L'histoire de la chanson

Lors d'une discussion avec Anna, Sophie se rend compte que Peter ne fait que prendre encore et encore. Cette conversation lui inspire cette chanson qui raconte son aggression.
Ecrit par Emilie1905 

Les clips musicaux

The Best Part par Lizzy Greene
The Best Part par Lizzy Greene
Ajoutée le 03.04.2022 par Emilie1905 

Les extraits musicaux

Lizzy Greene

Lizzy Greene
The Best Part

The Best Part

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